Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Hopelessness and Despair.Great Faiths Unite to Discuss a Spiritual AntidoteIslam, Buddhism and Christianity working together to assist in the fruition of a peaceful and amicable Australian Community where the occupants have peace of mind and tranquility at heart.
We provide transcripts of the night at a later date so that all groups can take the results of the discussion with them and integrate the beneficial aspects on a grass roots level. Beverages (tea/cofee) will also be available free of charge. |
International Guest Lecturer: Professor Timothy Winter
Local Scholars: Archbishop George Pell Ven. Thubten Chokyi & Rev. Mathew Wilson
Performance By: The Illustrious Huzur (sufi) Ensemble & AGM Actors Guild

Friday, 23rd of December 2011 7:30PM to 9:30PM Doors open 7:00pm at the Waterview Convention Center Homebush. In the Bicentennial Park
Price - $15 For standard tickets
price - $45 For VIP tickets (only 60 available)
Allows access to lecturers after the event
For more information please contact us at [email protected]